Justin Heazlewood, produced by Far and Away Productions
It’s Burnie, Tasmania. Justin is an only child living with his mother who suffers from schizophrenia. When she is well, Mum is perfect. She knows he likes his carrots raw and his toast cooled, and knows how to soothe his growing pains. But when she’s sick she cries uncontrollably and doesn’t get out of bed. It’s a complex, personal story, told straight from the heart. An only child and his Mum trying to love each other, but mental illness keeps getting in the way.
Justin Heazlewood plays his 12 year-old self in an endearingly lo-fi one-man show full of laughs, tears and joy.
Justin Heazlewood (Writer/Performer) is a Tasmanian-based writer, musician and humourist aka The Bedroom Philosopher. His childhood memoir GET UP MUM was released to acclaim in 2018 and made into a 10-part radio series for RN’s Life Matters in 2019. With Far and Away Productions, director Chris Drummond and designer Gaelle Mellis , he is now making the one-man show of GET UP MUM for which we are looking for presenters who are interested in new Australian work that will reach and profoundly touch a wide audience, made all the more powerful because it is a true story. Justin’s own story.
Lee-Anne Donnolley started Far & Away Productions in 2014. She produces and tours the work of Australian and international artists and companies. New works in development are Justin Heazlewood’s GET UP MUM and Catherine Fitzgerald’s DRY.