Jade Lillie
Jade is known for her work as a leader, executive, facilitator and specialist in community engagement. A history of excellent work in collaboration with artists and communities, has led to Jade’s leadership in the field, continually shaping and articulating what contemporary models of creative and cultural development can be. Whilst Jade has held a number of leadership roles across the sector, she is primarily known and respected for her skills and expertise in strategy, governance and her commitment to collaboration, cultural leadership and advocacy in championing diversity and access. She has worked extensively in arts, cultural development, health, education, community and international development contexts in government and non-government settings, including non-profit management, local and state government. Jade’s skills and experience extend across advocacy, strategy, public affairs, creative and cultural programming, arts management, business development, government relations, policy, change management, facilitation and leadership. She has lived and worked in regional, remote and metropolitan contexts across Australia and South East Asia. Jade was the Director and CEO at Footscray Community Arts Centre from 2012 – 17 and a Sidney Myer Fellow 2018 – 19.