Wole Oguntokun
Wole Oguntokun, is a playwright and artistic director of Renegade Theatre and Theatre Planet Studios Ltd. He was a Global Fellow of the International Society for the Performing Arts (ISPA) in 2015, 2016 and 2018. He has directed plays at the Cross Currents Festival in Washington DC, the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in Scotland, the Shakespeare Olympiad at the Globe in London, the Ubumuntu Arts Festival in Kigali, Rwanda, the Lagos Black Heritage Festival, and numerous festivals in Nigeria.
He was moderator at the award of the Europe Theatre Special Prize to the Nobel Laureate, Wole Soyinka, in Rome, Artistic Consultant to the Directors’ Projects at the Shaw Theatre Festival, Ontario, Canada in 2018 and was a resident International Guest Artiste at the Svalegangen Theatre in Arhus, Denmark in the same year.
He was consultant to the National Theatre of London in its production of Wole Soyinka’s “Death and The King’s Horseman”.
He is the coordinator of the Guild of Theatre Directors, Nigeria