Image: Matt Byrne

The Lighthouse

Patch Theatre

The Lighthouse takes you from tiny spark to Big Bang, from pixel to landscape, from line to laser. It’s part installation, part scientific quest, part rave. Above all it offers the kind of magic that only interactive theatre can.

Dates 25 February – 7 March 2020
Location Queen’s Theatre, Playhouse Ln & Gilles Arcade, Adelaide


Designed for all ages, this house of marvels is full of intimate vignettes and lighting wizardry. In intimate groups, you and your smaller friends are guided through a series of interconnected rooms, each full of hands-on experiences exploring a different property of that elusive yet fundamental force of nature: light.

Designer/director Geoff Cobham continues his prolific career harnessing the power of photons to tell stories (and win awards). Since taking the reins at Patch Theatre, he has steered the company in an interactive direction, while holding firm to their unique manifesto of providing formative theatrical experiences for the young and their families.

Curious? That’s what we like to hear.

Let The Lighthouse illuminate you.

“The new Patch director Geoff Cobham [is] making his mark on children’s theatre. Cobham’s claim to fame is lighting design and here is a show about light, the beauty of light in the black box world of the theatre.” – THE BAREFOOT REVIEW


Director Geoff Cobham
Created by Michelle “Maddog” Delaney, Chris Petridis, Meg Wilson, Zoe Barry, Jason Sweeney

Dates: 25 February – 8 March 2020
Times: Weekdays: 6pm – 8.20pm, sessions start every 20 mins. Weekends &Public Holidays: 10am – 12pm & 6pm – 8.20pm, sessions start every 20 mins.
Location: Queen’s Theatre, Playhouse Ln & Gilles Arcade, Adelaide
Running Time: 1 hour, no interval