Image: David Bernier

Ecoute pour Voir - Listen to See

Danse Carpe Diem / Emmanuel Jouthe and Maï(g)wenn et les Orteils and Restless Dance Theatre

Ecoute Pour Voir – Listen to See is eight solo artists, scattered in space and dancing simultaneously.

Equipped with a pair of headphones attached to an iPod, one dancer and one audience member share a 2 – 3 minute intimate choreographic exchange.

In this space of intimacy and proximity, the audience, questioned by the artist, will be exposed to an artistic experience likely to change their view of the human being and their abilities.

Once registered you will be sent an exclusive link to book discounted tickets to these works.

Registered Gathering participants may request to book into dedicated Schools’ Performances and Workshops by emailing DreamBIG Festival at with the subject heading ‘APAM Free Ticket Request’. Booking for schools’ activities is subject to availability.