Everything They Ever Said with Fingers Crossed Behind their Backs
Kindred Collective: a SAYarts ensemble
Emily thinks the water tastes different these days. Lorcan’s noticed it takes ten minutes longer to walk home. Ruth has suddenly fallen in love with Alex. And Alex suspects the birds are watching him. Being a conspiracy theorist means everything that once seemed certain, now feels weird. And being fifteen means, well pretty much the same thing.
Over the course of one strange week, a group of young people try to navigate the space between what they are told, and what they are, to answer the question – what is real?
Duration: 60 mins
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Registered Gathering participants may request to book into dedicated Schools’ Performances and Workshops by emailing DreamBIG Festival at dreambig@adelaidefestivalcentre.com.au with the subject heading ‘APAM Free Ticket Request’. Booking for schools’ activities is subject to availability.