International Roundtable: Cultural Diplomacy in a Global Pandemic

International Roundtable: Cultural Diplomacy in a Global Pandemic

Exchange: Meet Up

International Roundtables are an opportunity for participants to share market intelligence with international colleagues and Australian artists and producers in an intimate and informal setting.

Hosted by DFAT, this roundtable will explore the vital role cultural diplomacy practitioners undertake internationally and how this currently looks in a time of pandemic and global disruption. In break-out sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to hear about DFAT’s strategic objectives, upcoming funding opportunities and have all your questions on cultural diplomacy answered.

+ Bec Allen, Acting Director, Public Diplomacy Programs, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
+ Barbara Poliness, Assistant Director, Public Diplomacy Programs, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
+ Sandra Henderson, Director, Northern Territory Office, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Date Tues 10 August
Time 17:30-18:30 AEST / 17:00-18:00 ACST