Tricks of the Mouth - Liquid Architecture
An experimental program of interconnected performances exploring linguistic re-coding, tricks of the mouth, verbalism, chatter, translation, transposition, impersonation, and noise. Drawing from Liquid Architecture’s ongoing investigations into the dynamics of ventriloquism, polyphony and other multiplicities of sound and listening, Tricks of the Mouth will feature multiple artists’ works materialising in a fluid and collaborative setting over a two-hour program, staged nightly throughout the festival. No two nights will be the same.
Nightly Line-up (subject to change)
Wed: Phew, Natasha Tontey, Zou Zhao, Sage Pbbbt
Thu: Phew, Natasha Tontey, Zou Zhao, Sage Pbbbt
Fri: Natasha Tontey, Zou Zhao, Sage Pbbbt, Alexandra Spence
Sat: Natasha Tontey, Zou Zhao, Sage Pbbbt, Alexandra Spence
Duration: 100-120 minutes