Image: ActNow Theatre and Very Theatre

Virtual Intimacy

Martyn Myer Arena - VCA

Identity. Online. Sexuality. Data. Relationships. Technology. Queer. Virtual. Intimacy.

A collaboration between two directors from Australia and Taiwan, ActNow Theatre and Very Theatre invite you to reveal information about yourself; openly and anonymously.



Season 12 – 15 March 2020
Venues Martyn Myer Arena – VCA



ActNow Theatre is a South Australian theatre company that tailors socially conscious performance projects. We work with professional artists to engage diverse communities in conversations around challenging, contemporary issues. Established in 2007 by three teenagers and high-school friends, including current artistic director Edwin Kemp Attrill, ActNow has gone on to establish itself as a leading Australian theatre company creating Forum Theatre, an interactive political form of performance pioneered by the leading Brazilian artists and activist Augusto Boal.

即行劇場是南澳大利亞一個致力於創作能體現社會責任感作品的劇團。我們和專業的藝術家合作,積極地和不同的社群合作,就當前富有挑戰的問題的展開對話。 2007年由三個青年人和一群高中伙伴創立,包括現任藝術總監愛德溫・坎普・阿特里爾,即行劇場不斷致力定位自身為澳洲論壇劇場——由巴西藝術和行動家奧古斯托·鮑爾開創的一種互動政治性表現形式——的代表。

Very Theatre is a Taiwanese multi-artform organisation, creating performance, video art, and exhibition, funded through the resources of its partner company Very Mainstream Studio. Very Theatre takes new media as core and focuses on creating interdisciplinary works with strong emphasis of narrative and text which strive to envision new ways of seeing and experiencing performance. Very Theatre has won multiple awards, and has performed in China, France, Korea, Denmark, Spain, Germany and throughout Taiwan.

狠劇場由影像及劇場導演周東彥所創立,致力多媒體劇場展演,為一同時具有劇場創作及影像製作雙重專業的跨界團隊。作品聚焦當代生活,整合最新數位技術,創造出虛實交替的敘事空間,訴說你我之間共通的故事。 在演出之外,亦積極建立與指標性藝術機構及創作團體的聯繫網絡,接軌國際舞台,豐厚臺灣跨領域創作的視野與實力,並開創嶄新的觀演閱聽體驗。


A bilingual piece (English/Mandarin) which draws on collaborations with local queer communities. Virtual Intimacy reimagines theatre in the digital age, pulling from the artists’ practice in film, multimedia, and participatory storytelling. The work explores relationships with technology and how technology shapes our relationships with others. Expect to play a part in the live conversations happening within the performance. Bring a charged smartphone and we’ll be exploring our intimate digital selves together.

《虛擬親密》一件透過與在地酷兒社群的合作而完成的雙語(英文/中文)作品。兩位藝術家由電影、多媒體和參與式敘事等各自專精的實踐領域中汲取靈感,企圖重新定義資訊時代下的的劇場 樣貌。該作品探索人與科技的關係以及科技如何影響我們與他人的關係。你將會在表演現場參與一場即時對談,請帶上一部充滿電的智慧型手機,讓我們一起來探索網路情境下私密的自我。

Dates 12 – 15 March 2020
Times Thur 12 Mar 7pm, Fri 13 Mar 1pm and 7pm, Sat 14 Mar 2pm and 7pm, Sun 15 Mar 5pm
Victorian College of the Arts (VCA), The University of Melbourne, Entry via Cnr Grand Street and Doods Street, Southbank