Image: Joshua Morris
Image: Sarah Walker

The Nightline

Roslyn Oades & Bob Scott, with collaborators

You are led into a dimly-lit venue full of tables for one. Placed before you is an old telephone and switchboard. This is your direct connection to The Nightline — hundreds of real-life anonymous voice messages left by shift-workers, insomniacs, truck drivers, prank callers, emergency workers, new parents, revellers and all manner of fellow night owls… You eavesdrop on intimate confessions, angry rants, musical serenades, pranks and laments, using your switchboard to change channels at will. The Nightline explores themes of loneliness and connection, concepts that resonate globally, as we pick up the pieces of what it means to be a community.

The Nightline was part of APAM’s pitching program PROFILE at the APAM Gathering at RISING in Melbourne in June 2023.

Presentation History
The work will be presented in a French edition – The Nightline / Ligne de nuit – co-produced and presented by Carrefour International de Theatre, Quebec, in 2024.