Artist Opportunities & Important Information
COVID-19 Support

Artist Opportunities & Important Information


Here are a number of paid creative opportunities currently being offered to artists across many artforms, as a direct response to the loss of work caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

For important announcements regarding Investment and International Travel made by the Australia Council for the Arts, click HERE.

Click on the below regions to see the Grants and Opportunities available.



+ 1000 x 1000: Crisis Cash for Artists
Theatre Network Australia (TNA)
A one-off emergency payment to support independent artists in the perfomring arts who have been significantly affected by COVID-19 in Australia and who do not have access to a financial safety net. TNA seek to ensure artists are able to continue their practice while dealing with the day to day impacts of COVID-19 on their lives.
Applications for support are now open

+ Creative Connections Webinar Series
Australia Council for the Arts
Held twice weekly (Wednesday 3-4pm & Friday 11am-12noon)
Accessibility information here
Check out the full schedule and register for free here

+ Australia Council Grant Programs
Australia Council for the Arts
Various closing dates, click on links for details
Arts Projects for Individuals and Groups – $10,000 – $50,000
Arts Projects – Organisations – $20,000 – $100,000
Fellowships – $80,000


+ Actors Benevolent Fund of NSW
ABF NSW have set up an emergency assistance program for professionals in the performing arts. NSW-based Actors, Directors, Stage Managers, Designers, Technical crew and other Creatives are all eligible for financial support. The emergency fund is limited to a cap of $1,000/person. Read the full details and download the application form here.

+ Quick Response Grants: COVID-19
City of Sydney
To help individuals and organisations through the COVID-19 pandemic
Apply now (these are rolling grants, and as such there is no application deadline)

+ Creative Hello
Riverside’s National Theatre of Parramatta
A collaborative network for Sydney creatives focussing on Western Sydney artists. Click here for more information and to register your interest



+ Grants for artists and arts organisations affected by COVID-19
City of Melbourne
Apply now

+ Annual Arts Grants
City of Melbourne
Applications Open 9am, Tuesday 1 September 2020
Applications Close 5pm, Monday 28 September 2020

+ VicArts Grants
Creative Victoria
Applications Close Thursday 3 September 2020