Eventide Conversations: The Futures of 'Live' Performance
Tue 9 Nov 2021
The Futures of ‘Live’ Performance
A group of performing artists and producers from across Australia and Hong Kong gathered in November 2021 to consider and reconsider the protocols, approaches and assumptions to the possibilities of the futures of making, engaging and sharing ‘live’ performances. They investigated whether artistic and curatorial practices can shape futures of which we don’t have an image; how we might redefine our values, principles, and methodologies on how we want to live and work together; and whether the demands of the current global condition is giving us an opportunity to collectively rehearse for a world to come. Speakers unpacked their recent approaches and reflected on ways we can and must insist on circumstances of collaboration that are more sustainable and equitable.
This conversation was hosted by Low Kee Hong (Head of Theatre, Performing Arts, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority) and features guest speakers Jacob Boehme (theatre maker & choreographer, Director of First Nations Programs, Carriageworks), Jeff Khan (Artistic Director & CEO, Performance Space) and Michelle Rocha (Head of Touring at Manchester International Festival).
This event was part of the Eventide Conversations, presented in partnership with Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association. Curated by independent director and producer Ching Ching Ho and Executive Director of the Hong Kong Ballet Heidi Lee, this program provides opportunities for engagement and knowledge exchange between arts and cultural leaders in Hong Kong and Australia. The project was supported by the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations.
The workshop was documented in a written report, which can be downloaded at the link below.