“A vital sense-sharpening tonic for theatregoers who feel they’ve seen it all.” New York Times (for Ganesh Versus the Third Reich)
10 minutes Powerhouse Theatre, Brisbane Powerhouse 16yrs+
Proving we are mortal, vulnerable and no more significant or enduring than any other animal or vegetable.
Back to Back’s new large-scale theatrical work, Lady Eats Apple, examines the awesomeness of our existence and the simultaneous tragedy of our death. Travelling between time and place, fact and fiction, symbols and bodies, its concern is not the beginning and the end but the anxiety that sits in between.
Staged in a large proscenium theatre, the audience sits on stage, facing the auditorium. A thin single cell inflatable surrounds, pressing against architectural features. The audience and actors are repositioned in another world, rupturing expectation of the conventional theatre experience.
Set within the lush landscapes of the Garden of Eden, the void of nothingness and the frenetic urban jungle, Lady Eats Apple explores human nature and our search for immortality.
Photo credit: Jeff Busby
Meet the artist
Back to Back Theatre creates new forms of contemporary theatre imagined from the minds and experiences of a unique ensemble of actors, giving voice to the social and political issues that speak to all people.
Over the last 28 years the company has made a body of work that questions the assumptions of what is possible in theatre, but also the assumptions we hold about ourselves and others. The stories produced weave the personal, the political and the cosmic. Based in Geelong, Back to Back makes work locally and tours globally, commanding the respect of audiences, critics and peers worldwide.
- Alice Nash
- Executive Producer
- Back to Back Theatre
- alice@backtobacktheatre.com
- +61 400 893 661
- http://www.backtobacktheatre.com