"A work of genius." Metro (NZ)
70 minutes Powerhouse Theatre, Brisbane Powerhouse 13+ years
Far more than just boy meets girl. This is real life romance – Kiwi cabaret style.
Travel through a landscape of live music and heart-aching theatre in this beautiful love story about a teddy boy and a farm girl: their first meeting, their marriage and the New Zealand pop-rock soundtrack that shapes their lives. Daffodils captures the bittersweet nuances of one couple’s life in a mix-tape of New Zealand’s greatest hits brought to life onstage by performers Todd Emerson and Colleen Davis with a three-piece band.
Inspired by private letters, interviews and family myths, this award-winning production unfolds against a backdrop of 1960s Kodak stills, home movies and fashion photography. The result is a love story that is both whimsical and dark, and set to make “your eyes weep and your heart bleed.” (Theatrescenes, NZ).
Image: Garth Badger
Meet the artist
Bullet Heart Club
Bullet Heart Club is an integrated creative company, bringing digital practice into the creative process of live performance. Focused on developing unique audience experiences with the desire to bring a damn good story to the stage, Kitan Petkovski and Rochelle Bright produce works that pierce straight through the heart.
Bullet Heart Club seeks to collaborate on a range of works with trendsetting artists that push boundaries, while delivering something that begs a repeat experience. Company members are based in Auckland, Melbourne and Tucson.
- Kitan Petkovski
- Creative Director
- kitan@bulletheartclub.com
- +61 420 677 044