• Australian Government / Australia Council for the Arts
  • Brisbane Powerhouse Arts

This show is like taking a really unique tour with a tourist guide, except that person is a child. Lenine Bourke

Contact Inc and Lenine Bourke present The Walking Neighbourhood

19 February 1:00pm - 2:35pm 20 February 1:00pm - 2:35pm 3:30pm - 5:10pm 22 February 10:30am - 11:55am Judith Wright Centre - Shopfront Interdisciplinary / Hybrid Arts Special Event All Ages

Take a tour guided by a child and see the world in a new light

Take a curated tour around the city with a child as your guide. The Walking Neighbourhood offers participants and audiences a new way to see and experience places and spaces. Children are in control of developing the artistic encounter, guiding an audience, navigating the physical space and sharing their experiences of autonomy and their world, all the while creating new friendships.

The tour guides collaborate with professional artists in a series of workshops to present this intimate event, and then invite you to take a walk with people you do not know to a place you have never experienced in this way.

Bookings required. Book at The Depot.

Image: Melly Niotakis

Meet the artist

Contact Inc / Lenine Bourke

Contact Inc is an innovative arts and cultural organisation focused on the collaborations between professional artists, individuals, organisations and communities. The company creates artistic works that address social and cultural issues and provides opportunities for change making through participation and engagement in live arts events. Artistic Associate Lenine Bourke is a leader in the fields of socially engaged arts practice and community arts and cultural development whose work has taken her across Australia, North America and Asia.

